Everyone Needs a Good Resume

So, you want to apply for a job - but you haven't written a resume in years!  Not to worry... we here at OPS Staffing are looking for good, qualified candidates to fill top positions in the restoration and construction industry. However, we also understand that even though you may have all the qualifications we are looking for, sometimes you need a little help getting things together before that first job interview. Namely, your resume and cover letter.

See How We can Help you Find the Job of Your Dreams!

To help, go to our blog to get 5 great tips on creating the perfect resume.  In addition, we have provided a video from a Harvard University CareerAdvisor on putting together your resume and cover letter, and for those who are not savvy with writing, we even have resume templates for you to just fill in the blanks.  But don't stop there! Even before you write your resume, give us a call... tell us what you're looking for and where you live - or where you want to live!  Let us guide you through the process and help match you with the perfect job. Schedule a 15 minute call NOW with one of our recruiters and see how we can help you find the job of your dreams!
