Helpful Job Resource Blog

Apr 12, 2023  |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley,  |

Recognizing and appreciating employees can boost morale and make them feel valued. However, in extreme times—such as during the pandemic—this is all the more important. The grim nature of our lives and the lockdown have taken a toll on everyone; even carrying out everyday activities can seem arduous sometimes.

Feb 19, 2023  |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley,  |

The United States is rapidly urbanizing, and the construction industry can’t keep up. Among other problems, the biggest obstacle that construction companies face is recruiting the right talent to carry out their operations efficiently and safely. The growing shortage of workers in the labor-driven industry - which is widely misunderstood by people who are not part of it - has created a lot of problems for recruiters. 

Feb 10, 2023  |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley,  |

The human resource function of businesses has undergone major changes over the last few years. What was once called recruitment is now referred to as ‘talent acquisition.’ Over the years, businesses realized that the right ‘talent’ is as equally an asset to the company as other tangible assets. Because talent is critical, companies have also started outsourcing the function for higher efficiency. 

Jan 21, 2023  |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley,  |

Typically, it takes around five months for candidates to find a new job. The biggest problem that most applicants face is moving to the interview stage. Your resume is your first impression of a prospective employer. Therefore, working on your resume can maximize your chances of landing a job sooner. Here are some ways to make your resume stand out and significantly improve your chances of securing an interview: 

Jan 9, 2023  |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley,  |

Plumbing supply system failures are the number one source of water loss. According to statistics, 14,000 people in the U.S. face a water damage emergency each day; therefore, the demand for water restoration technicians remains high. However, companies look for certain attributes when hiring employees to get technicians on board who provide the best value for their bucks. Let’s find out more!

Dec 21, 2022  |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley,  |

Project management is a rapidly growing career option - especially in the field of construction. It’s estimated that by the year 2027, the US project management labor force is expected to grow by 33% and reach around 22 million jobs! 

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in project management or are looking for one for your construction business—you’ve come to the right place. 

Dec 14, 2022  |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley,  |

The human resource function of businesses has undergone major changes over the last few years. What was once called recruitment is now referred to as ‘talent acquisition.’ Over the years, businesses realized that the right ‘talent’ is as equally an asset to the company as other tangible assets. Because talent is critical, companies have also started outsourcing the function for higher efficiency. 

Before you outsource yours, let’s walk you through the recruitment process:

Nov 23, 2022  |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley,  |

Over the past few years, the USA has dealt with an acute shortage of skilled labor. As of January 2019, there were as many as 7.6 million unfilled construction jobs in the country. During this time, only 6.5 million people were looking for these jobs, which means the country needs more construction workers! To bridge the gap, the US government announced $1.5 trillion for infrastructure construction, indicating that things are going in the right direction.

Nov 9, 2022  |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley,  |

Things are changing for ‘hiring and recruitment practices’ around the world. What was a largely in-house function once is now outsourced by around 50% of the companies.  

According to Forbes, recruiting the right talent is both an art and a science. The task is better done when left to professionals. 

Mar 26, 2020  |
Employers,  |
Mitchell Riley,  |

Whether you landed your dream job right after graduation or had to work long shifts to make your way to the top, there will come a time when your job doesn’t excite you anymore. You will feel that there are no more skills that this job can teach you, and you no longer see any capacity for personal or professional growth.

While its primarily the employer’s responsibility to ensure their employees’ professional development, most often you have to take charge of it on your own—and if you’re in a similar situation, here are a few things you can do to set your professional development goals and ultimately achieve them.

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