Pitfalls of Accepting a Counter-Offer
A recent survey has revealed that 57% of the working population between the ages of 18 and 34 attested that changing jobs frequently was healthy for their career.
It’s true that the modern job market is starkly different from how it worked during the time of Baby Boomers. At one point, professionals believed in dedicating their entire career to one organization, at one desk and one seat. This, however, is far from the current reality.
Employees have become more invested in their career growth than career stability. Stability can often mean complacency and mediocrity, and employees understand this very well. They’re constantly in the search for better work environments, higher salary packages, promotions, better learning, and new challenges.
However, once they find a better place, their existing employers might place a counter-offer. Here are all the reasons why you shouldn’t accept it as readily.
Wage Stagnation
Be prepared for a significant pay raise offer when you submit your resignation letter in. While the new salary figure may be flattering and tempting, they can lead to wage stagnation in the long-run. Since you’re being offered a salary raise at the time of resignation, you might not get another raise at the time of appraisals, if you accept the counter-offer.
Strained relationships with coworkers
Even though you’ll be told that your meeting will remain confidential, you never know when sensitive information may get leaked. Even high-level executives and HR employees have friends and confidantes in the workplace.
As unprofessional as it may be, information about a salary raise can be leaked by those present at the meeting. This can strain your relationship with coworkers and make things unpleasant at the same workplace in the future.
Stunted Career Development
Whenever presented with a counter-offer, revisit your reasons for seeking other jobs in the first place. Career growth was your top priority and should remain so. Compromising your career development for a meager pay raise is not a decision that may be in favor of your professional growth.
Moreover, conceding for a counter-offer will also cast a negative impression of your commitment to the company on the employers. This can affect future promotions and appraisals.
Old Problems Remain
Think about all the reasons that made you dissatisfied with your current job. Then decide if the counter-offer will be able to eradicate a major chunk of those concerns. Can the pay raise substitute a toxic work environment or if a promised promotion improves the leaves policy?
If none of these expectations are met, there’s not much gain in accepting the counter-offer. Starting afresh at a new place will allow you to lay down your terms when you sign the contract and meet your expectations.
We’re a commercial recruitment service operating in 125 cities all across the US for water restoration jobs. We have been able to assist 5864 individuals and 293 companies, and yours can be one of them. Reach out to us today!
Posted: Nov 15, 2019
Posted by: Mitchell Riley
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